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Text File | 1991-01-01 | 13.0 KB | 1,146 lines |
- .org $0800
- ;mem
- .obj "toolbox $0800.o"
- lda 648
- cmp current'screen
- beq +
- jsr set'screen'table
- + jsr line'links
- ldx #1
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number ;get function number
- lda number
- cmp #11
- bcc +
- jmp other'table
- + cmp #0
- beq help
- cmp #1
- beq mline
- cmp #2
- beq message
- cmp #3
- beq message'custom
- cmp #4
- beq screen'stash'enter
- cmp #5
- beq screen'restore'enter
- cmp #6
- beq fill'enter
- cmp #7
- beq box'enter
- cmp #8
- beq clear'line
- cmp #9
- beq character'swap
- cmp #10
- beq color'swap
- rts
- help jsr helpsc
- rts
- mline jsr move'line2
- rts
- message'custom ldx #6
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- jsr set'message
- jsr message
- rts
- message jsr get'string
- jsr message'routine
- rts
- screen'stash'enter ldx #1
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- jsr screen'stash
- rts
- screen'restore'enter ldx #1
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- jsr screen'restore
- rts
- fill'enter ldx #5
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- fill'routine jsr wait
- filler jsr fill
- inc number
- ldx number
- cpx number+1
- bcc filler
- rts
- color'swap jsr color
- rts
- character'swap jsr char
- rts
- box'enter ldx #6
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- box'routine jsr wait
- boxer jsr box
- inc number
- ldx number
- cpx number+1
- bcc boxer
- rts
- clear'line ldx #2
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- jsr wait
- ldx number
- - jsr 59903
- inc number
- ldx number
- cpx number+1
- bcc -
- rts
- other'table cmp #11
- beq rvs'enter
- cmp #12
- beq dir'enter
- cmp #13
- beq file'read'enter
- rts
- rvs'enter ldx #5
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- rvs'routine jsr wait
- rvser jsr rvs
- inc number
- ldx number
- cpx number+1
- bcc rvser
- rts
- dir'enter ldx #1
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- lda number
- sta device
- jsr get'string
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'stash
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- jsr dir
- - jsr $ffe4
- beq -
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'restore
- rts
- file'read'enter ldx #2
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- lda number
- sta device
- lda number+1
- sta flag
- jsr get'string
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'stash
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- jsr file'read
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'restore
- rts
- ;**** get number from BASIC ****
- get'number ldx #0
- stx current'number
- - jsr $aefd
- jsr $ad8a
- jsr $b7f7
- lda $14 ; got it!
- ldx current'number
- sta number,x
- inc current'number
- dec numbers'to'get
- beq +
- bne -
- + rts
- ;***** get string from BASIC ****
- get'string jsr $aefd
- jsr $ad9e
- jsr $b6a3
- ldx $22
- ldy $23
- stx 251
- sty 252
- cmp #41
- bcc +
- lda #40
- + sta string'length
- tay
- - lda (251),y
- sta string3,y
- dey
- bpl -
- rts
- ;**** Line Links ****
- line'links ldy #24
- - lda 217,y
- ora #128
- sta 217,y
- dey
- bpl -
- rts
- ;**** wait ****
- wait lda 53265
- bpl wait
- rts
- ;**** SCREEN STASH ****
- screen'stash ldy number
- cpy #11; ahem! there are only 11 screens (0-8)
- bcc +
- rts
- + sei
- ldx #0
- lda 1
- sta temp
- stx 1
- lda screens,y
- stx 253
- sta 254; dest screen
- lda 648
- sta 252; source screen
- ldy #0
- sty 251
- ;begin copying
- - lda (251),y
- sta (253),y
- iny
- bne -
- inx
- inc 254
- inc 252
- cpx #4
- bne -
- ldx #0
- lda #>55296
- sta 252
- - dec 1
- lda (251),y
- inc 1
- sta (253),y
- iny
- bne -
- inc 252
- inc 254
- inx
- cpx #4
- bne -
- lda temp
- sta 1
- cli
- lda 53280
- ldy number
- sta border,y
- lda 53281
- sta background,y
- rts
- screen'restore ldy number
- cpy #11; ahem! there are only 11 screens (0-8)
- bcc +
- rts
- / lda 53265
- bpl -
- sei
- ldx #0
- lda 1
- sta temp
- stx 1
- lda screens,y
- stx 253
- sta 254; source screen
- lda 648
- sta 252; dest screen
- ldy #0
- sty 251
- ;begin copying
- - lda (253),y
- sta (251),y
- iny
- bne -
- inx
- inc 254
- inc 252
- cpx #4
- bne -
- ldx #0
- lda #>55296
- sta 252
- - lda (253),y
- dec 1
- sta (251),y
- inc 1
- iny
- bne -
- inc 252
- inc 254
- inx
- cpx #4
- bne -
- lda temp
- sta 1
- cli
- ldy number
- lda border,y
- sta 53280
- lda background,y
- sta 53281
- rts
- ;****** HELP ******
- helpsc lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'stash
- lda #0
- sta 53280
- sta 53281
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- lda #>chunk'o'text
- sta 252
- lda #<chunk'o'text
- sta 251
- ldy #0
- - lda (251),y
- beq finis
- cmp #"\"
- beq switch'to'white
- cmp #"@"
- beq switch'to'cyan'reverse
- bump'help jsr $ffd2
- cmp #13
- bne +
- lda 214
- cmp #23
- bne +
- sty temp
- jsr press
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- ldy temp
- + iny
- bne -
- inc 252
- bne -
- switch'to'white lda #1
- sta 646
- lda #0
- sta 199
- jmp bump'help
- switch'to'cyan'reverse lda #3
- sta 646
- sta 199
- jmp bump'help
- finis lda #0
- sta 198
- jsr press
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'restore
- rts
- ;**** move line ****
- ;from line, to line
- move'line2 ldx #2
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- jsr wait
- jsr move
- rts
- move lda number
- bpl +
- sec
- sbc #128
- + cmp #25
- bcc +
- rts
- + asl
- tay
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 251
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 253
- iny
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 252
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 254
- ldy #39
- - lda (253),y
- sta string,y
- lda (251),y
- sta string2,y
- dey
- bpl -
- ldx number
- bmi +
- jsr 59903
- + lda number+1
- asl
- tay
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 251
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 253
- iny
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 252
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 254
- ldy #39
- - lda string,y
- sta (253),y
- lda string2,y
- sta (251),y
- dey
- bpl -
- lda #19
- jmp $ffd2
- ;**** FILL **** line,to line,col,to col,color
- fill lda number
- cmp #25
- bcc +
- rts
- + asl
- tay
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 251
- iny
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 252
- ldy number+3
- lda number+4
- - sta (251),y
- dey
- bmi +
- cpy number+2
- bcs -
- + rts
- ;**** BOX **** lin,tlin,col,to col,s-code,color
- box lda number
- asl
- tay
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 251
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 253
- iny
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 252
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 254
- ldy number+3
- - lda number+4
- sta (253),y
- lda number+5
- sta (251),y
- dey
- bmi +
- cpy number+2
- bcs -
- + rts
- ;********** color swap ******
- ;color,to color
- color ldx #2
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- lda #>55296
- sta 252
- ldx #1
- ldy #0
- sty 251
- jsr wait
- - lda (251),y
- and #15
- cmp number
- beq change'color
- iny
- bne -
- inx
- inc 252
- cpx #5
- bne -
- rts
- change'color lda number+1
- sta (251),y
- jmp -
- ;********** char swap ******
- ;char,to char,color
- char ldx #3
- stx numbers'to'get
- jsr get'number
- lda #>55296
- sta 254
- ldx #1
- ldy #0
- sty 251
- sty 253
- lda 648
- sta 252
- jsr wait
- - lda (251),y
- cmp number
- beq swap
- iny
- bne -
- inx
- inc 252
- inc 254
- cpx #5
- bne -
- rts
- swap lda number+1
- sta (251),y
- lda number+2
- bmi +
- sta (253),y
- + jmp -
- ;**** MESSAGE ****
- message'routine lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'stash
- lda fade'screen
- beq naw
- lda #0
- sta number
- sta number+2
- lda #24
- sta number+1
- lda #39
- sta number+3
- lda fade'color
- sta number+4
- jsr fill'routine
- naw ldy #5
- - lda box'parms,y
- sta number,y
- dey
- bpl -
- jsr box'routine
- lda string'length
- lsr
- sta string'length+1
- lda #20
- sec
- sbc string'length+1
- sta string'length+1
- lda starting'line
- clc
- adc #1
- tax
- ldy string'length+1
- clc
- jsr plot
- lda rvs'text
- sta 199
- lda box'color
- sta 646
- ldy #0
- - lda string3,y
- jsr $ffd2
- iny
- cpy string'length
- bne -
- - bit 197
- bvs -
- lda #6
- sta number
- jsr screen'restore
- rts
- ;**** SET MESSAGE ****
- ;sys 2048,2,fade?,fade color,rvs text?,box/text col,start line,char,string
- set'message lda number
- sta fade'screen
- lda number+1
- sta fade'color
- lda number+2
- sta rvs'text
- lda number+3
- sta box'color
- sta box'parms+5
- lda number+4
- cmp #21
- bcc +
- lda #20
- + sta starting'line
- sta box'parms
- clc
- adc #3
- sta box'parms+1
- lda number+5
- sta box'parms+4
- rts
- plot cpx #25
- bcs +
- jsr $fff0
- + rts
- ;**** RVS **** lin,tlin,col,to col,color <128
- rvs lda number
- cmp #25
- bcc +
- rts
- + asl
- tay
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 251
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 253
- iny
- lda color'mem,y
- sta 252
- lda screen'mem,y
- sta 254
- ldy number+3
- - lda (253),y
- eor #128
- sta (253),y
- lda number+4
- bmi +
- sta (251),y
- + dey
- bmi +
- cpy number+2
- bcs -
- + rts
- ;directory
- dir lda string'length
- ldy #>string3
- ldx #<string3
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #17; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #0
- jsr $ffba; n setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- ldx #17
- jsr $ffc6;
- jsr $ffcf; get byte
- jsr $ffcf; get byte; skip first two bytes
- first jsr $ffb7; read status
- and #64
- bne dir'out
- jsr $ffcf; get byte
- jsr $ffcf; get byte; skip two bytes
- second jsr $ffb7
- and #64; eof?
- bne dir'out
- jsr $ffcf; get byte
- tax
- jsr $ffcf; get byte
- jsr $bdcd
- lda " "
- jsr $ffd2
- jsr $ffb7
- and #64; eof?
- bne dir'out
- third jsr $ffcf; get byte
- bne +
- lda #13
- jsr $ffd2
- jmp first
- + jsr $ffd2
- - lda 197
- cmp #64
- bne -
- lda 653
- bne -
- jsr $ffb7
- and #64
- bne dir'out
- jmp third
- dir'out lda #17
- jsr $ffc3; close17
- jsr $ffcc ;clear chan
- rts
- file'read lda string'length
- ldy #>string3
- ldx #<string3
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #12; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #12
- jsr $ffba; n setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- ldx #12
- jsr $ffc6;
- jsr $ffcf
- jsr $ffcf
- gfile ldx 197
- cpx #63
- bne +
- - bit 197
- bvc -
- jmp file'out
- + jsr $ffcf; get byte
- sta temp
- cmp flag
- bne +
- jsr press
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- jmp gfile
- + cmp #";"
- bne +
- jsr print'command
- beq gfile
- + bit rvs'mode
- bvc +
- ldx #1
- stx 199
- ldx 211
- bne +
- sta temp
- jsr reverse'line
- lda temp
- + jsr $ffd2
- bit auto'page
- bvc file'end
- cmp #13
- bne file'end
- lda 214
- cmp #23
- bne file'end
- jsr press
- lda #0
- sta 212
- lda #147
- jsr $ffd2
- file'end jsr $ffb7
- and #64
- bne file'out
- beq gfile
- press ldx #24
- ldy #8
- clc
- jsr $fff0
- ldy #0
- sty 198
- sty 199
- - lda press'a'key,y
- beq waitkey
- jsr $ffd2
- iny
- bne -
- waitkey lda 197
- cmp #64
- beq waitkey
- lda #0
- sta 198
- rts
- file'out lda #12
- jsr $ffc3; close12
- jsr $ffcc ;clear chan
- jsr press
- rts
- print'command lda 211
- beq +
- lda temp
- rts
- + jsr $ffcf; get byte
- jsr get'command
- lda #0
- rts
- get'command cmp #"1"
- bne +
- lda #0
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"2"
- bne +
- lda #1
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"3"
- bne +
- lda #2
- sta 646
- + cmp #"4"
- bne +
- lda #3
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"5"
- bne +
- lda #4
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"6"
- bne +
- lda #5
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"7"
- bne +
- lda #6
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"8"
- bne +
- lda #7
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"!"
- bne +
- lda #8
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #34
- bne +
- lda #9
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"#"
- bne +
- lda #10
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"$"
- bne +
- lda #11
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"%"
- bne +
- lda #12
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"&"
- bne +
- lda #13
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"'"
- bne +
- lda #14
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"("
- bne +
- lda #15
- sta 646
- rts
- + cmp #"r"
- bne +
- lda #255
- sta rvs'mode
- jsr reverse'line
- rts
- + cmp #"R"
- bne +
- lda #0
- sta rvs'mode
- rts
- + cmp #"a"
- bne +
- lda #255
- sta auto'page
- + cmp #"A"
- bne +
- lda #0
- sta auto'page
- + rts
- reverse'line sty tempy
- ldy #39
- - lda (209),y
- ora #128
- sta (209),y
- lda 646
- sta (243),y
- dey
- bpl -
- ldy tempy
- rts
- set'screen'table lda #19
- jsr $ffd2
- ldy #0
- - lda 209
- sta screen'mem,y
- iny
- lda 210
- sta screen'mem,y
- iny
- lda 214
- cmp #24
- beq +
- lda #17 ; cursor down
- jsr $ffd2
- jmp -
- + lda #19
- jsr $ffd2
- lda 648
- sta current'screen
- rts
- device .byt 8
- numbers'to'get .buf 1
- current'number .buf 1
- string'len .buf 2
- number .buf 9
- rvs'mode .byt 0
- auto'page .byt 0
- flag .byt 0
- string .buf 40
- string2 .buf 40
- string3 .buf 40
- temp .buf 1
- tempy .buf 1
- string'length .buf 2
- screen .buf 1
- screens .byt $a0,$a8,$b0,$b8,$c0,$c8,$d0,$d8,$e0,$e8,$f0
- ; message'parameters
- fade'screen .byt 0
- fade'color .byt 11
- rvs'text .byt 1
- box'color .byt 3
- starting'line .byt 20
- box'parms .byt 20,23,0,39,160,3
- border .buf 9
- background .buf 9
- press'a'key .asc "press any key to continue":.byt 0
- chunk'o'text .byt 147,159
- .asc "\sys 2048,function,[parameter],[p],...":.byt 13,153
- .asc "--------------------------------------":.byt 13,13,159
- .asc "\function 0 @ help (no parameters) ":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 1 @ move line ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,1,line,to line":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 2 @ display message ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,2,string$":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 3 @ define message ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,3,fade screen,fade col,rev text,box/txt col,strt line,scrn code,string":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 4 @ stash screen, bac/bord ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,4,screen number":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 5 @ restore screen,bac,bor ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,5,screen number":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 6 @ fill section of screen ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,6,y,to y,x,to x,color":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 7 @ make box ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,7,y,to y,x,to x,s-code,color":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 8 @ clear line or range ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,8,start line, fin line":.byt 13,13,13
- .byt 19:.asc "\function 9 @ character swap ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,9,char,to char,color<128":.byt 13,13
- .asc "\function 10 @ color swap ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,10,color,to color":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 11 @ reverse screen ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,11,y,to y,x,to x,color<128":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc "\function 12 @ directory of disk ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,12,device,":.byt 34:.asc "$[wildcard=f-type]":.byt 34,13,13
- .asc "\function 13 @ read text file ":.byt 13,13
- .asc "sys 2048,13,device,asc flag,":.byt 34:.asc "file":.byt 0
- color'mem .word 55296
- .word 55296+40
- .word 55296+80
- .word 55296+120
- .word 55296+160
- .word 55296+200
- .word 55296+240
- .word 55296+280
- .word 55296+320
- .word 55296+360
- .word 55296+400
- .word 55296+440
- .word 55296+480
- .word 55296+520
- .word 55296+560
- .word 55296+600
- .word 55296+640
- .word 55296+680
- .word 55296+720
- .word 55296+760
- .word 55296+800
- .word 55296+840
- .word 55296+880
- .word 55296+920
- .word 55296+960
- current'screen .byt 4
- screen'mem .word 1024
- .word 1024+40
- .word 1024+80
- .word 1024+120
- .word 1024+160
- .word 1024+200
- .word 1024+240
- .word 1024+280
- .word 1024+320
- .word 1024+360
- .word 1024+400
- .word 1024+440
- .word 1024+480
- .word 1024+520
- .word 1024+560
- .word 1024+600
- .word 1024+640
- .word 1024+680
- .word 1024+720
- .word 1024+760
- .word 1024+800
- .word 1024+840
- .word 1024+880
- .word 1024+920
- .word 1024+960